how to appear on Instagram explore page


If you are among those who use Instagram, you must be familiar with the most visited part of Instagram videos and photos called “explore”. The same magnifying glass symbol at the bottom of the screen that is used for searching. In this section, you can see the most visited Instagram posts. But how to make our post in a way that they can easily get on the Instagram Explorer?

Every page that gets to the explorer tab, they become successful overnight. In this article, we will learn together how to cement your foot hold on Instagram Explorer.

Instagram Explore is where many activists of this social network are trying to be seen. Therefore, it can be said that entering Explorer is not easy at all and it is not something that happens overnight. If you also want to become famous, you need to find a way to enter the explorer. It is true that it is not as easy as a piece of cake and it takes time, but it is not so difficult that you cannot handle it.

By entering this tab, you will get many followers and your account reach will increase. At the beginning of this article, we provide a general definition of Instagram Explorer, and then we explain the tricks to enter it in detail. We will also examine why it is important for your post to be seen in Explorer. We even teach you how to increase the engagement rate of your page and finally, by using its features, introduce your business better and to  be seen more.

Why is it important to get to the Instagram explore page?

For the same reason that you are using Instagram for your business, you should strategically create conditions to be seen in Explorer. In addition, if you are seen in Explorer, you will get more likes and at the same time show users and customers that you are active, so you can sell your goods or services to more people. All these things are possible with the help of Explorer because when you are on the Explore page you are exposed to thousands of users and this means the possibility of more followers and more brand introduction.

There is one more point about the benefits of being seen on Instagram. Unlike advertising on Instagram, being seen on Instagram is free while also gathering more followers and likes for you.



Which accounts grow fast on Instagram?

Instagram tries to display content for each user specified for them. This personalization happens as Instagram displays posts in Explorer based on the likes and pages you follow.

One of the conditions for entering explore Instagram is to produce visually attractive content, which includes slide posts, reels, and photos, which must be beautified for the audience.

According to the CEO of Instagram, the algorithm of selected posts for explorer goes as follows:

🔸 The content displayed is based on posts that the user has previously engaged with.

 🔸Featured content are posts that have attracted a large number of Instagram users.

🔸 The content displayed in Explorer is posts based on the content of pages followed by the user.

Over time, Instagram has identified user activity patterns and displays content based on those patterns. Also, Instagram tried to check how similar accounts work and how they perform. So when you open the explorer page and see humorous or comedy content, it is because of your interaction with such pages. So, Instagram will find your favorite content and show you.

Your activity in Explorer

Your Explore page is made up of the topics you've interacted with on Instagram and is different for each user.

Information about the post

Instagram looks at the popularity of a post to rank your Explorer posts. The posts with more users interaction (the number of likes, comments, views and shares) will be shown to you first.



History of your interaction on instagram 

The post you see in Explorer was shared by someone you don't follow and you may never even have heard of, but if you've already seen, saved, or shared their posts in Explorer, this person's post in the topics The same is placed higher.

Information about the person who published the post

Signals like how many times you've interacted with that person in the past few weeks.

Besides these, Instagram guidelines do not allow some posts to be shown on the search page, for example, it does not show the posts that advertise tobacco or are violent to users in Explorer.

Basic steps to go to Explore Instagram

Before you create a content that will be entered into Explorer, you must also provide its infrastructure. In this section, 4 of the most important steps that you must go through will be introduced to you.

If you have a private account  switch to public

Many pages and accounts are in private mode. Private profiles are not displayed in the most visited section (Explore). The reason is clear. Because posts on private profiles are actually protected or locked and no one can see them.

So the first thing is to take the profile out of private mode and back to public mode. For this, go to your Instagram profile. Then press the menu button on the top right side of the screen. Select the settings option and finally go to the privacy settings.


⚠️also read: How to create an Instagram account: Step by Step Guide


Do I have to create another account or use my previous account?

To a great extent, the decision to make a new page or delete the content of your previous page depends on you, but keep these in mind:

🔹If you open a new page, a blue box named (new account) will be displayed on top of your page for a few days or sometimes a week, which will help you get to instagram explore sooner.

🔹If you use your previous page, you may send a wrong signal to Instagram based on your likes and recent posts, and the content of your explorer may be irrelevant to the topic of your new page, or you may attract unrelated followers.

🔹 If you use your previous page for a new business without informing your followers, you may face a large amount of unfollowers, which is not good for your page.

But there is a solution to prevent this from happening, in order not to get involved in getting the first 1k followers, do this:

🔺 In the form of post and story, announce that you want to change the content of the page.

🔺Ask your followers to mention your page in the story and support you.

🔺Delete a part of your saved posts every day.

🔺 Set aside some time daily to delete your previous likes and comments.

🔺 On the explore page, hide disinterest content that is in contrary with your page, so as to clear your explorer.


Creating highlights and care about the design of your page

Before you prepare your posts and stories, there are factors that you need to know in order to grow your page and get followers faster, so think carefully and make a decision.

🔸What do you want the color and theme of your page to be?

🔸 What kind of highlighter do you use? How many highlights do you have? What are the names of the highlights? Prepare its content in advance.

🔸How should you post? How many posts of slides, reels and photos do you want and how should they be placed on your home page? Plan posting hours and number of posts per week and shoot as many videos as possible in advance.

🔸How often do you want to upload photos in a week?

🔸Prepare your captions for posts and stories as if your attracting your client with story teeling  method, make them curious about your content.

🔸 Determine the time of festivals and discounts in advance.


⚠️also read: How to find out who views your Instagram profile


Personal information and biography

Pay attention to Instagram trends, what should you mention in your Instagram bio? What makes your business stand out from other businesses? Choose your mobile number.

Note that the number you have created your page with should not be the number introduced on your page to prevent hacking of your information.

🔸 Link your Instagram to WhatsApp Business

🔸 If you have a Telegram or Facebook channel, link it

🔸 Either highlight your business address or write it in your bio page

🔸 Have an introduction of yourself in a highlight

⚠️also read: How to change phone number on instagram account

Should I Use business page or creator page



If you are a business owner and you need to sell your products, choosing a business account is more suitable for you, but if you are an influencer and content creator, choosing a creator account is better for you. However, there are differences between these two account modes:

Creator account pros and cons

The advantages of Creator Page includes:

🔹 In Page Creator, you can use the general features of Instagram, such as publishing posts and stories.

🔹 By creating a creator page, you can see detailed statistics of your activities in different periods.

🔹 You can show your profile to your audience in any form and role; For example, you can display your creator page as a personal page or a business page; This is one of the differences between personal, business and creator pages.

🔹 You can connect Creator  Page to your Facebook account.

🔹 You can use different categories in Creator Page.

🔹 You are able to use the quick reply function and by using this function, you can answer your direct messages at a high speed.

🔹 If you have a creator account, you can access creator studio through Instagram desktop; Using this feature, you can have accurate statistics of posts, stories and lg tvs.

Disadvantages of creator account

🔺 You cannot set switch creator page to private mode.

 🔺You can only connect your creator page to a Facebook page; This is one of the differences between personal, business and creator pages.

Pros and cons of Instagram business page

 The following are the advantages of a business page:

🔹 Using the business page, you can review your activity in different time periods.

 On the business page, you can advertise on your page.

🔹 You can put your products on the business page and use the shopping tag; This is one of the main differences between, business and creator pages.

🔹 In the business page, you have access to the quick response feature.

 You can see how your followers have increased.

Disadvantages of a business page

 Disadvantages of Instagram business account include the following:

🔺 You cannot set the business page to private mode

 🔺it's highly recommended to  have a Facebook page.

🔺 You can only connect to one Facebook page.



Tips to help your posts appear on Instagram Explorer

Know your real audience.

Marketing on Instagram makes sense in its Explore tab. So if you want your business page to have a place in it, you must first find your main audience.

So, if you are going to enter Instagram Explorer, you should see who your audience is and what their needs are. Does your business help him at all? Is he an active follower?

By knowing the target audience, you can interact with them more easily. Therefore, you must know their persona.

To do this, use Instagram's own tool called insight.

By checking this part of your page, you will notice that:

  •  Which of your posts did the audience like and interact with the most?
  •  Which cities are most of your followers from?
  •  What age group are they in?
  •  What percentage of them are men or women?
  •  In what time frame do they go online the most?
  •  What is the level of interaction in posts, stories, reels?
  •  How many percent have clicked on your website address, email and contact number?

⚠️also read: How to post Reels on Instagram? Get to know Instagram Reels


Care about your audience.

The difference between an audience engaging with you or ignoring you depends on how important you are to them. Listen to your audience and see what they really need.

By knowing the user's taste and checking the pages that they work in the same field like you, you can easily discover the way to enter the explorer. Because you know what content you should create to attract the opinion of your followers.

If you want to sell your products, you must first know who you are going to sell to. You have to ask yourself what your audience really needs and how your business can help them.

  •  Who are your target customers?
  •  What are they interested in?
  •  What is their Instagram account like?
  •  Who do they follow?

Check the posts and pages of competitors.

In the second step, check successful pages in Instagram Explorer that are in your field of activity. It is better to check their latest published posts. Determine the number of views of their posts and seek to analyze and review the number of views. With this, you can get a complete view of your competitors and know which posts will get more views. With these things in mind, you can create posts that get the most views in the shortest possible time.

Analyze Explorer posts.

Go to the Explore section and check which of the posts have been entered into the Explorer the most. What covers and templates have they used for their post? Check the hashtag, caption and color scheme of their post. It is better to write down the information you have obtained so far, because it will come in handy later.

Following a few simple tips will bring you closer to get into Instagram explore:

🔸 Listen for the general feel of the Explore section: What is the general theme of the posts being displayed? What is their aesthetic factor? What topics are popular in your audience? These are all things to keep in mind.

 🔸Use Instagram's search features: Using this feature, you can find out what content is popular in your geographic area. To do this, you can click on the Places tab in the Instagram search and give a more precise tag of your geographical location and note the type of content that is displayed.

🔸 Check your followings and followers: What content have your followings and followers liked? Click on the heart icon in the bottom bar of the app, then select the following from the top of the screen. This way, you can see what kind of content the people you follow are engaging with

Increase user watch time.

Be careful in the design of the posts. If you can design the posts in such a way that users spend more time looking at it, you have taken a big step. For example, you can write long captions. When users spend a lot of time looking at your posts, Instagram notices that users are interested in your posts and the watch time of your posts increases. Finally, it enters into Instagram Explorer.

Posts with high engagement on your page are more likely to go to the explorer page of your followers! Produce content based on the interest and needs of your target market, in the posts invite them to take action such as commenting.

Do not neglect the features of Instagram.

One of the ways that can help you enter Instagram Explorer is to use the features of this social network. Check out what's trending in your geographic area?

Are you determined to do it? OK! So open your Instagram and select search in the explorer section. In this section, you can search by account, tags, locations, as well as the most popular posts.

Well, now we continue on our way. Select the places tab and type your geographical area. Among the results that come up, you can find the most popular ones in your area.

Don't underestimate hashtags

Even users who have personal pages do not neglect hashtagging.

For those who have a business page, hashtagging is one of the ways of marketing. Do you know why? About 100 million posts are uploaded on Instagram every day.

By choosing the right hashtag, you can prevent your post from getting lost among the huge number of different posts. These days, everyone has realized the importance of hashtags. Because they guide more audiences to the target pages.

As I said, the most important thing in hashtagging is choosing the right hashtag. By using viral hashtags in each post, more audiences will see it. But you should know that this is neither professionally nor morally correct!

When a user is looking for specific information and comes across a post that has nothing to do with the topic, they don't react. This is a negative for your engagement rate. As a result, you cannot enter Instagram Explorer easily.


⚠️also read: How to Get More Views on Instagram Posts?


Content production, a permanent solution

How to enter Instagram Explorer? As I said, one of the best answers is to produce quality content. When choosing a photo or video to upload, be sure to pay attention to their quality.

Know the standard formats of Instagram and choose the size of photos or videos according to them. By doing this, the main view of the photo or video you are considering will be displayed for your followers.

Above all! Your audience will realize that you value them and that you don't just upload any post. Therefore, their interaction with your page will increase and you can gradually enter the Instagram Explore tab. That's why it's important to have your own post and story style.

Observing a specific style in post and story design increases the visual appeal of your page. Remember that it all comes down to the beauty and appeal of your posts. for example:

  •  Be sure to write attractive captions.
  •  Use photo editing and design software. (Currently, it is possible to make attractive edits with many mobile applications)
  •  Be careful in choosing colors to use vivid colors.

Take CTA seriously

Try to encourage users to share and save your posts in the posts you make. Posts that users can save or send to their friends and acquaintances. For example, you can write in the caption or on the last slide of the post: send to your friends.

In order to identify the best time to upload a post, you can enter the follower section from the business section of Instagram account and check their online times.

Identify when to upload a post

Among other ways to enter Instagram Explorer, which is one of the most important criteria of Instagram, we can mention sending posts at the right time. Try to publish your posts when more users are online. You will see that your posts will be seen by more users. For example, it is quite clear that if the posts are posted at 4 AM, they will get very few views.

Re-story your posts

Currently, the Instagram algorithm does not follow the timeline in the home section. This means that many users may not see your post when you post. For this reason, it is recommended to publish it in the story a few hours after publishing the post. By doing this, more people will know about the recently published post.



Encourage users to enable notifications

Try to encourage your users in any way, for example in the story, to activate the notifications of your page. Guide users to select the three dots button on your page and activate the turn on post notifications option. One of the most effective ways to enter Instagram Explorer is to activate page notifications.

Don't forget to tag people

Now it's time to upload the post. Before uploading it, tag pages related to your field of work. Tag relevant celebrities or influencers and even try to tag your page on the post.

⚠️also read: what is Instagram collab post


add location

By choosing the location, more people will access your page. Because they can find your page through the places tab. Also, the chances of your posts being entered in Instagram Explorer for people who are in your geographic area will increase.

⚠️also read: How to add location on your Instagram post and story


questions about instagram explorer


Comments :

9 months ago

Ive taken steps you've provided in this blog and i hope to see their positive effect in the coming days... thank you much❤️

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