Telegram's sent message tick, or Telegram's seen mark, shows the person who sent the message whether you have seen the message or not.
For many reasons, many Telegram users are looking to or disable the seen sign so that the status of their message is not known. In this article, we will teach you how to disable the read reciept on Telegram, and then we will teach you ways to view the PMs without Opening The Chat
Pavel Durov, the Telegram manager, did not include an option to disable or remove the second Telegram tick in the original Telegram versions due to the violation of security rules for the user. But Telegram is an open source program, and so far different versions such as Telegram X have been released, which have more features than the original Telegram. As we said, in the original version, it is not possible to disable read confirmation, but there is a method to avoid seeing messages and opening the chat, which we will discuss further.
In order for someone not to know that you have read their message, or if you don't want to see their message, there is only one method in the main Telegram, for this, use the following instructions:
💎 Select photo, delete profile and hide profile
🔹To use this method, the most logical thing is to change your online status to last seen recently.
In the main Telegram without settings, there are ways to view the message without opening the chat page and then you can delete the message you didn't like forever without ticking the second tick next to it.
When you receive a new message in Telegram and want to read it without the sender noticing, activate airplane mode.
💎How to change Telegram number
You can use the artificial intelligence assistant according to the operating system of your phone.
If you have a new message, the assistant will read it without opening the Telegram message.
3 months ago
The easiest way is to use Google Assistant. thank you
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