Telegram active sessions | How to check Telegram login history

Telegram active sessions

Do you fear that someone might have access to your Telegram account and read all your chats silently? Since Telegram messenger is one of the main communication networks with contacts, it is necessary to install it in our phone or computer system. But you need to know how many devices have access to your Telegram account. For this reason, you should check your main Telegram account from time to time so that no one else has access to your account. Therefore, if you want to know how to terminate active sessions onTelegram or how to remove devices connected to Telegram, Stay with us in this article to learn a lot of useful information.


How to find out that our Telegram is checked?

To remove devices connected to Telegram, you must first see which phones have access to your account. Thanks to its professional design, you can easily find out which devices are connected to your Telegram, provided that you are the main owner of your account. Follow the steps below to find out how many devices are connected to your Telegram account on your smartphone.

  1. First, open the Telegram app and then tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. From the menu, scroll down and go to the "Setting" section.

    Active Sessions
  3. From the Settings, select the "Privacy and Security" option.
  4. Now tap on "Active Sessions" to view your active Telegram sessions.

📍Learn more: How to check login activity on instagram | Instagram active sessions status

How to terminate active sessions on Telegram?

If you find any unauthorized device access to your Telegram account, you can remove that device in easy steps. So, to know how to remove others from your Telegram account, you should follow the step-by-step guide below.


  1. According to the steps mentioned above, go to the Active Sessions section in your device settings and if you want to delete devices connected to Telegram, tap on "Terminate All Other Sessions".
  2. If you want to delete a specific device, tap on the device name and select "Terminate Session".

Therefore, we have mentioned everything about how to find out that our Telegram is being checked and how to remove others from our Telegram account in this article. Even if you follow all the security rules, it is still recommended to check active sessions on Telegram from time to time. It is necessary to make a frequent habit of this security practice.


FAQs about Telegram Active Sessions


Comments :
Riki das

9 months ago

My old data recovery


1 year ago

thats amazing i can manage my active Device and check the security ^

Tonny Adalo

1 year ago

How can i access my telegram account given i lost my last phone


1 year ago

That helps me thanks!😁


1 year ago

when i follow this step it says ''for security reason,you can,t terminate older sessions from a device that you have just connected

Anycontrol: This happens because your current device is new. Wait more and try again in couple of weeks.


1 year ago

it helped me a lot

Anycontrol: Glad to hear that

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