We all are in love with Telegram and its wonderful features. Telegram has always cared about users' privacy and has made every effort to protect its users' data and information. As you know, to join these messengers, you must enter your phone number in the first step.
Maybe you are one of those who don't like to share their mobile number on Telegram. Telegram's development team unveiled a feature that allows users to hide their phone number so that no one, even contacts, can see it. With the ability to hide phone numbers in Telegram, you can further protect your privacy and prevent any disturbances that may occur. In this article, we are going to discuss how to completely hide a mobile number in Telegram.
As mentioned earlier, Telegram is designed based on protecting people's privacy and the ability to hide your mobile number in Telegram is provided exactly on this basis. Of course, Telegram also offers other security options, such as hiding the last seen or profile picture.
To your phone number on Telegram Android follow the instructions below step by step:
Now suppose you selected "Nobody" in the first section, but you want some users like your family or friends to see your phone number. By using "Add exceptions" you can determine who can always see your phone number.
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It is very easy to hide your mobile number on Telegram iPhone. Just follow the steps below:
To add exceptions, after selecting the "Nobody" option, enter the "Always Allow" section, select the contacts, and finally click the "Done" option. If you want to delete all exceptions, you can select "Delete all exceptions".
Finally, in order to send messages in Telegram without showing your phone number, you can delete your previous contacts from the Telegram server by deleting the synchronized contacts in Telegram so that they will no longer be able to see your contact number.
🟢 Also Read: How to Recover Deleted Telegram Messages
Follow the instructions in the article to hide your mobile number from users, whether your contacts or not, on Telegram Android and IOS.
Yes. Telegram allows you to hide your phone number on this platform through simple instructions to protect your privacy.
You can use this photo guide to hide your mobile number in Telegram APK through privacy and security settings.
10 months ago
If you're active in many groups and channels, use this method because there's a high probability that you will get caught by annoying people
10 months ago
Thank you for your good tutorial blog🙏🌹, this action can help you to have a safe and secure account.👌
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