In recent years Telegram has become popular worldwide and one of the main reasons is its various features such as the ability to see the last online status of users. This can be super helpful for users, but it may not always be desirable. If you're using Telegram so much that you'd like to keep a low profile, you may want to hide your status from others. For this reason, in this article we will discuss Telegram's online status and guide you on how to hide last seen on Telegram. Let's get started.
Recently seen is the last time a user was active on a messaging app. You may notice that some users have a "Recently Seen" status when you view your contact list in Telegram and select a profile. People who have chosen to hide their Telegram last seen time on Telegram cannot be viewed, so their Telegram last seen time is hidden and the status "Recent" is displayed instead. It is possible that these people are currently active on Telegram, but their online status is not visible to other users. Only by starting a chat with them and observing their typing indicator can their online status be seen.
Other apps, such as Instagram, have the ability to hide the online status of their users. Telegram also has similar capabilities, therefore we wish to explore how to hide last seen on Telegram the last time we were online within the application.
🔵How can we check telegram active sessions?
The online status follows the same last seen rules. You'll only appear online to those who can view your last seen status. But there is one exception - you'll appear online for a short period of time after you send a message in a one-on-one chat session or in a group that both of you are members of. In order to know how to hide last seen recently and also how to turn off active status in Telegram, follow the below section carefully.
Completed! This is how to hide last seen on telegram ios.
In order to learn how to hide last seen on Telegram for android phones, read the step-by-step guide provided in this part:
1. Open Telegram and click on the menu icon located at the upper-left corner of the screen.
2. According to the picture go to "Settings".
3. Select the "Privacy and Security" option in the Settings tab.
4. Click on "Last Seen & Online".
5. your Last Seen is set as Everybody by default.
6. Now, select "Nobody" to turn off your "last seen" status.
You have done the task completely.
🟪Now that you’ve learnt how to turn off active status in Telegram, It will now be impossible for anyone to determine when you last used your Telegram. It is important to note that when you conceal your last seen status on Telegram, the timestamp will be replaced with a time frame, such as Recently (within three days), Within a week (after three days), or Within a month (after a week).
🟢 Did you know that AnyControl introduces a Telegram tracking tool?
Telegram has a special feature where users can choose whether they want to share their Last Seen with everyone or not. By selecting exceptions, only designated individuals will be unable to view your Last Seen.
The following steps describe how to make this feature work:
1. Change your last seen to "Everybody".
2. According to the picture, you will see the Add Users option under the "Add exceptions". Tap on it.
3. Choose the users you want to hide your last seen from.
4. Tap on the checkmark icon.
1. Go to "Privacy and Security"
2. Tap on "Last Seen and Online".
3. Change Last seen to Everybody.
4. Under exception part, tap on add users.
5. Choose the users you want to hide last seen from.
6. Tap on the checkmark icon.
🟢 Hacking telegram has never been easier using AnyControl app.
This article explains how to hide your last seen status on Telegram for Android. The important thing to remember is that other users will not be able to see your online status, and you will not be able to see theirs, even if their status settings are public, if you hide your Telegram last seen status. The online status of all your contacts will change to Last seen recently when you hide your Telegram online status. Hope the information discussed in this article was useful. Don't forget to share it with your friends. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.
Choose "Privacy and Safety" from your Messenger settings. Next, navigate to the "Last Seen & Online" option and set it to "Nobody".
It means the last time you were online and used the app was 1 hour ago.
No, it won't appear.
you can solve this problem by doing the process again. read the article carefully for more information.
refer to the article for a complete guide.
you can make your online status (last seen) not visible to others by changing it from Privacy and Security section. read the article for more info.
there are some telegram last seen trackers through the net. you can find and utilize them.
you can hide your last seen status from certain contacts. in order to do that, follow the article.
you can hide your last seen status from every contact or all of your certain contacts. in order to do that, follow the article.
there are lots of Apps like Last Seen that help you check someone's last seen time.
it is able to track a number's online status on Telegram.
Use this article to get information about this question.
no they will not be able to see your last seen status.
read the first part of this article to know more about this topic.
1 year ago
God, this is the best option that can exist
1 year ago
It is also possible to choose a specific audience, isn't it?
Anycontrol: Correct
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