How to Delete Whatsapp Account Permanently? A Complete Guide

delete account whatsapp

In today's technologically advanced society, instant messaging has seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives. There are many great messaging apps available in the technology industry today. Each one offers unique features and functionality. WhatsApp is one of the most popular platforms for connecting with friends, family, and colleagues. It has an easy-to-use interface and a wide range of features. However, the constant barrage of messages and media can make chatting feel overwhelming. Learning how to delete WhatsApp account is an important skill, whether you want to organize your phone or protect your privacy.

There are a few common questions that users ask about WhatsApp. One such question is, "If I delete my WhatsApp account will others know? " or " How to delete WhatsApp account without phone?” 

In this blog post, we will address these specific questions in detail. So don't worry. Each section is crucial, so it's important to read it carefully. Therefore, If you are no longer using whatsapp and would like to delete your account, continue with us to see our WhatsApp account deletion guide.

What happens if I delete my whatsapp account?

If I delete whatsapp account will my messages be deleted, too? If I delete Whatsapp account will my messages be deleted? When you delete whatsapp account will others know? You may have these questions in mind before deleting whatsapp account. Knowing the answer to these questions will help you alot while deleting your whatsapp account. 

In this section, we will clarify things for you regarding what happens if I delete my whatsapp account. Deleting your WhatsApp account does not erase your previous conversations from your friends' accounts. Your sent messages will still be visible to them.

Why is that? Messages aren't just yours. You send them to your friend, too. So, if you delete your account, only your account's messages will get deleted. Your friend's phone still has the messages.

All your conversations, group memberships and Google Drive backups will be deleted when you delete your WhatsApp account. If you make a new account, you won't be able to retrieve your previous chats. If you create a new account, your old chats won't come back.

Your information will also be deleted from WhatsApp servers. Note that If you delete whatsapp account and register again, your chat history will not be retrieved.

🟪 Keep in mind that when it’s gone, it’s gone! Before deleting your WhatsApp account, be aware that it is an irreversible action. So if your question is: If I delete my WhatsApp account can I reactivate it with the same number, you should know that once the account is deleted, it cannot be recovered. WhatsApp doesn't hold backups and your messages will be removed from its servers with no possibility of retrieval. To preserve important information, take screenshots or backup your data. Also ensure that your photos are backed up to Google Drive.

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📌Is hacking WhatsApp to access your children’s messages illegal? Refer to linked article to get more information.

Benefits of deleting whatsapp account

Deleting whatsapp account is actually useful due to the fact that some users lose their phones and their only request is this:

lost/stolen: Please deactivate my account on whatsapp (ASAP)!

The loss of a smartphone can be a nightmare for any user. It risks the loss of important documents, photos, and other valuable data. WhatsApp chats, in particular, are significant as they contain sensitive information that shouldn't be accessible by others.

The other possible reason for deleting whatsapp account is the fact that with millions of users worldwide, WhatsApp is a widely used messaging service. However, its popularity does not necessarily equate to being the best option available. Additionally, its ownership by Facebook has raised concerns among some users regarding the potential harvesting and use of personal data for advertising purposes.

How to delete Whatsapp account online?

Are you looking to remove your personal information from the WhatsApp app? If so, we can guide you through the steps needed to delete whatsapp account. Please follow the instructions provided below in order to know how to delete whatsapp account.

For ios users:

In order to delete WhatsApp account online in your iphone, follow the step by step guide in this part:

1. Go to the menu of your iPhone and run Whatsapp.

2. Tap “Settings” from the bottom bar of the app and go to the “Account” section.

3. In the box provided, enter your phone number.

4. Complete the deletion process by tapping “Delete My Account”.


delete account whatsapp ios 1en

📌 AnyControl software introduces a powerful whatsapp tracker and control tool that can be used for parental control and monitoring whatsapp messenger.

For Android users:

If you are willing to delete whatsapp account online on your android device, read this part thoroughly:

  1. To delete Whatsapp account on android, launch your WhatsApp .
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Then, select “Settings

delete account whatsapp aandroid pic1 en

4. Now you have to choose “Account”.

5. In this step, tap on “Delete my account”.

6. You will need to input your cell phone number.

7. Click on the “Delete my account” button.

8. Finally, you have to provide a reason for deleting your account.


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Deactivate WhatsApp account lost phone

How to delete WhatsApp account without phone? Is it possible to deactivate whatsapp account lost phone? If so, how to delete my WhatsApp account from another phone? 

The first thing people get worried about when their phone gets lost or stolen, is their personal information in Whatsapp. Unlike other social media apps, WhatsApp does not offer the option to deactivate your account for a period of time.

But, if you lose your phone, you can email to ask for deactivation. In order to deactivate WhatsApp account lost phone, it should include the phrase "Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my account" in the email subject or body and provide your complete phone number with the country and local code (if any).

However, you may encounter a problem if WhatsApp needs to verify your account for any reason. WhatsApp accounts are associated with phone numbers, not SIM cards.


lost or stolen phone delete account whatsapp en

📌How to download whatsapp status without app?


Deleting your WhatsApp account is a simple process. It will take Facebook up to 90 days to delete your data but it’s good because there is no way anyone can obtain any more of your personal information. Additionally, it could encourage your friends and family to transition to a more secure messaging application; however, it is critical to ensure that they have backed up their chats in order to retrieve earlier messages in the future. 

Do you use WhatsApp as your main messenger? Are you considering deleting your account? Have you experimented with alternative messaging applications? We welcome your viewpoints in the comments section.

FAQs about How to Delete Whatsapp Account Permanently


Comments :

1 year ago

I want hide my whatsapp online status

Anycontrol: You can read the article "How to hide your online status and last seen on WhatsApp" in the blog section.


1 year ago

Can we enter it again if we want?

Anycontrol: Yes!

jeremy cl

1 year ago

i wrongly deleted my contact, there is a way to recover that? pls teach me if there is.

number 9

1 year ago

i deleted my whatsapp app icon , is this account deleted?

Anycontrol: No you just need to install the app again

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