Telegram Admitted to Disclosing User Information Since 2018!

Telegram Admitted to Disclosing User Information

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov admitted that since 2018, has disclosed user information, including IP, to law enforcement. Crypto security experts are concerned that this policy threatens users' privacy. Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov admitted that his platform has been disclosing users' IPs, phone numbers and addresses to law enforcement since 2018. Many Telegram users are disappointed by this disclosure.

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The CEO of the Telegram messaging app claimed that his company has been disclosing users' information since 2018, and the news about Telegram's policy change is nothing new. This revelation came after the recent arrest of Durov on charges of enabling criminal activities on the platform.

Telegram Admitted to Disclosing User Information Since 2018!


Since his release, he initially claimed that Telegram would crack down on illegal content, but he clarified those comments, saying:

 Whenever we receive a legal request through the relevant lines of communication, we acknowledge it and disclose the IP address/phone number of dangerous criminals.


However, the clarification revealed a long-standing secret policy. Durov claimed that the principles of freedom, privacy and protection of Telegram activists remained unchanged.

Didi Lloyd, CEO of security technology company Web3, conducted an exclusive interview to clear up these public doubts, saying:

 Telegram's disclosure of users' IP addresses is a major concern for the Web 3 technology community, as it undermines Web 3's privacy and decentralization. Many users often share cryptocurrency wallet addresses through Telegram channels, and if Telegram links these wallet addresses to IPs, it can reveal the user's identity.


Durov claimed that Telegram's policy of cooperating with law enforcement remains unchanged, and that authorities have only increased their requests in recent weeks. However, his tone has changed noticeably.


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